S&P Global Market Intelligence


S & P Global Market Intelligence. There’s no word in that name I don’t like.

S & P Global Market Intelligence is a provider of real-time data, news and analysis for the benefit of institutional investors, wealth managers and corporations.

S & P - marketintelligence.spglobal.com/about-us/about-us.html

Global - marketintelligence.spglobal.com/our-thinking/ideas/europe-leads-way-in-esg-as-favorable-regulation-and-demand-help

Market - marketintelligence.spglobal.com/client-solutions/products/platforms/market-intelligence-platform


For conducting insightful and useful reports from micro- and macro-economic research, that service (marketintelligence.spglobal.com) is the first go-to source for concrete information on just about everything we need to learn…and it’s all in the name.

Check out Barry Beck for more information.